Habitat for Humanity builds and renovates home for people in housing need, throughout New Zealand and around the World. Habitat has helped house over 4.5 million people,
working towards the vision of a World where everyone has a decent place to live.
Takapuna Grammar School is a highly regarded state secondary school and is pleased to work with Habitat to provide real life learning opportunities for its students and to support the school’s community service programme
Rotary Club of Devonport adheres to the principle that bringing people together for the purpose of helping those less fortunate than ourselves is a cornerstone of the Rotary ethos. From supporting local projects to the eradication of Polio Worldwide, Rotary is working hard to help all parts of the community and is proud to be using the Rotary network of like-minded people to support the building of this home. The SAKALIA FAMILY will benefit greatly from having the home to live is and have said “We feel so blessed to be given the opportunity of owning our own home, This is new beginning for us, that will provide the stability, security and healthy environment we thought we could never afford. Habitat for Humanity are looking for help in the following ways;
DONATE – Help us to purchase the materials needed for the construction of the Sakalias home. Donate towards a box of nails, a toilet, or even the entire roof
VOLUNTEER – We need hundreds of volunteers to help build the Sakalias home. No previous build experience is necessary, just a willingness to get stuck in and have fun. Register your individual or business interest at habitat.org.nz/bighabitatbuild SPONSORSHIP/PRODUCT – We welcome financial sponsorship of material donations, and have a number of ways we can recognize your contribution. Contact conradlp@habitatga.org.nz
During the Habitat build the students at T.G.S. are providing morning tea for the workers on the build project from Monday to Friday which leaves the workers on Saturdays without morning tea.
Habitat for Humanity builds and renovates home for people in housing need, throughout New Zealand and around the World. Habitat has helped house over 4.5 million people.