Saturday 10th June 2017
Four Devonport Rotary helpers braved the elements on Saturday to volunteer their time as marshals for the Touch Compass Illuminated All-Wheels Parade. They are seen here in The Cloud with “Silver Man” who appeared in the finale of the show… on.
Just as the parade, which attracted exotic and illuminated floats, bikes, scooters, wheelchairs, skateboards strollers and more, was about to start the heavens opened but the show went on and the lights did not dim on account of the rain.
The parade commenced at The Cloud and ended at the Silo Park with a variety of musical and theatre entertainment along the way. At Silo Park there was hot chocolate or mulled wine to sip while watching a short, spectacular illuminated performance where The Silver Man performed some daring acrobatics dangling from the gantry in his wheelchair.
Let’s hope Touch Compass make this an annual event to brighten up those dark winter nights.