Celebrating 40 years of Rotary In Devonport

It was a cheery ruby red theme and welcoming glasses of bubbles for this special occasion held at McHughes on Cheltenham Beach.  Not only were we celebrating 40 years of Rotary but also it was time to acknowledge president Phil LeGros for his contribution to the club over the past year as well as the fact that he also served as president in 1999-2000.


We were delighted to welcome Paul Treacher as our new president. Paul enthusiastically stepped up to become president after just 18 months of being a member and we wish him all the best for his year.

Paul has worked in the wine industry for 34 years and shares his knowledge and experience via Appellation Vineyards, a Wine Marketing and Distribution Business. It will be a busy year for Paul!


Eighteen past presidents were able to attend to see that the club is still in good hands.