Monday’s speaking guest was expected to be discussing writing or books, but she wasn’t aware of that. Is that a fine for the speaker organiser??
However, Lynn Dawson was happy to tell the Club about a knitting programme she has been organising across the North Shore. The programme provides ‘Knit Kits’ (needles, wool and instructions) for $5 and encourages local people (men, women and children) to get together once a week to knit squares (Peggy squares) which can then be sewn together to make blankets. These are given to families in need on the Shore. The programme has a personal history in that one of the organisers can trace the name Peggy squares back to her grandmother, named Peggy, who set up a community knitting group in the 1930’s to give blankets to people on hard times during the Depression.
Groups are in place across the Shore to meet to chat and knit – including a Wednesday night group knitting over a wine or two at Bette’s Bar in Devonport. Peggy triangles? or perhaps Peggy shircles??
Is the Devonport Rotary Club up for a Peggy square competition? – prettiest? quickest? squarest?