9th April 2018
At fairly short notice the mountain moved to Mohammed and 15 members met our speaker PETER JENKINS at Holy Trinity church Church Street instead of the golf club rooms.
Peter is the curate there; a sort of deputy vicar until he is appointed to his own parish. He is an old Devonportonian and is enjoying being back ‘in his home town.’
Peter addressed us for about 30 minutes, giving a brief history of the Anglican Church in New Zealand before describing the current activities and ministry of Holy Trinity, Devonport. Of most interest was probably the recently initiated role in providing food parcels, in coordination with the City Mission, for deserving members of our community. Members were keen to know how these people are identified; often it seems that misfortune is not the only reason, but also loneliness, ill health and/or poor budgeting skills.
The consensus amongst those present was that we could do more to support the people like this in our community, possibly by committing one Monday meeting “fines session’” a month to bringing along food donations for the Holy Trinity food shelf.