5th May 2017. It was another well attended Business on Toast meeting at Corellis Café and after a delicious buffet breakfast Jono Leonard, our local ebike retailer from Think Electric Bikes, brought us up to speed with what is happening in the world of electric bikes.
With improved lithium ion battery technology and better cycling infrastructure the worldwide sales of ebikes have taken off and by the year 2023 ebike sales are predicted to reach 40 million. China is the leading market for electric bikes where there are currently around 200 million bikes in use.
Ebike sales are popular with older cyclists, motor home owners who like the convenience of folding electric bikes, people with health issues and commuters who can get to work by bike but not in a lather of perspiration.
They are cheap to run and can reach speeds of 30 to 40 kph. Battery life is determined by the distance travelled, the type of terrain and the weight of the rider but the figure generally quoted is around 50 km.
Business on Toast is hosted by Devonport Rotary and Devonport Business Association and is held every 2 months on a Friday at Corelli’s Cafe. If you are interested in joining us for breakfast to hear our speakers please email info@devonportroary.co.nz with Business on Toast in the email heading.